Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Mediation Training

I am really excited. In just a few days, I will have the opportunity to participate in Bluffton University's Mediation Training. This is a program offered to any student, faculty, staff or community member who has a desire to learn valuable skills for facilitating conflict resolution, enhancing the way we listen and approach different people and discovering how the way with think effects the way we treat others. During this training, I will also be learning more about the concept of restorative justice, something Bluffton University believes is an essential part of creating a more positive community and world. Bluffton students majoring (or minoring) in Criminal Justice experience threads of restorative justice woven into their 4 year curriculum, and are thus prepared to approach any future career with not only a complete understanding of our justice system, but also able to think critically about different means of creating justice, including approaches to healing and restoration.
I am looking forward to doing some inward work, learning where my communication weaknesses lie and developing skills for whatever mediation possibilities lie ahead of me. Click here for more information on Bluffton's approach to Restorative Justice. I will be back next week with a full report on how the training went, so stay tuned!

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